My friend argued with as many as five TSA officers but to no avail. Rather than miss his flight, he abandoned the minibar plunder to the innumerates.
A few years before, I was checking a heavy bag at the Alaska Airlines counter in Las Vegas. A young ticket agent I hadn't seen before asked me what was in the bag to make it so heavy. I said there were a few bottles of wine. She asked how many. I asked if there was some kind of restriction, as I had never heard of such a thing.
She said, "You can't check anything with 70% alcohol, so if you have five or more bottles of wine that adds up to more than 70%."
"I'm not sure math works that way," I said. "You don't add the percentages in different bottles to get a higher percentage. It's all still the same percentage."
"Over 70% isn't allowed," She said.
I assured her there were fewer than five bottles of wine.
This is just too funny and typical.
You were smart to know that's not how math works. You were smarter to know not to argue with a TSA agent.
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